Negotiation & closing

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Negotiating a license agreement

You have been lucky and found an industry partner who is interested in your university’s technology. Now the fun part starts and you have to negotiate a license agreement. However, you realise that again and again you are facing the same topics in your negotiations. What needs to be addressed in all negotiations? And what little tricks will help you to achieve a satisfactory result?!
Robert MacWright Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)

Negotiating licensing terms

What are the key clauses we need to focus our attention on when negotiating a license deal, and what pitfalls do we need to avoid. This session takes you through a wide variety of relevant issues, such as - pricing - exclusivity - field - territory - liability - representations & warranties - diligence clauses - management of improvements and many more.
Lou Berneman Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)

Dirty little tricks

This session is structured as a role play where you take on the persona of either the TTO (licensor) or a company (potential licensee). We describe the technology & IP and - then ask you to agree at an equitable position. Teams are mentored by those experienced in negotiating licenses. The aim of the role play is to help you to identify and resolve the most problematic points in a negotiation.
Jeff Skinner Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)

Negotiating the deal

Even when you have a groundbreaking technology to offer, it still is not always easy to come to a balanced deal. This session discusses several factors that can lead to success or failure when negotiating and (hopefully) closing a technology deal, and navigates you through negotiation tactics and strategies.
Herman Verrelst Presentation (No presentation available)
Erwin Blomsma Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)

Negotiation & closure

TTOs often find it difficult to visualise the negotiation process and to move from the ‘selling’ phase to commitment, negotiation and close. In this session we follow two difficult (but ultimately successful) negotiations, identifying critical issues and understanding the TTO’s role in closing the deal.
Simon Youlton Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)
Jorn Erselius Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)

Experiences before and after a major deal making

- How do you choose your partner ? A fair partner helps you realize the value of an invention. - Use of counselors (e.g. to help to negotiate). Balance between own gut feeling and external advise. - How to handle the expectations from the university & scientist after the deal.
Suni a Dalbo Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)