New:Technologies Offers and Other Listing Tools

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IP auctions & showcases

Patent auctions have received quite some publicity in the last few years as a new and innovative way of commercializing your patents. But how does the system actually work and what are the success rates? Or is it better to make your technologies known in a showcase presentation? Can both systems be used for all our patents or is selectivity the key?
Isabel von Korff Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)
Antti Sinisalo Presentation (ASTP members restricted access)

Technology Listing Platforms

The listing of technologies offers is growing rapidly. Several national portals have been set up recently. In order to further bring added value to companies regarding easy and efficient search of these technologies, new search tools are now developped which are able to streamline the search or allow automatic feedback from queries. Below is a tentative listing of portals of aggregated technologies from Public Research Organization, some of them consisting of query/research tools allowing to match specific needs of companies. Please feel free to add relevant links and discuss in the discussion page plus and minus of each platform.